Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Humbled and Honored and Praising God

So today I found out that it was voted by the Pennsylvania Conference Executive Committee that I get to have a Ministerial License in the Seventh-Day Adventist Church...two weeks ago. I guess I should check my conference email more often. 

I then found out from Ray Hartwell, the conference president, that yesterday a special committee officially decided to recommend to that same Executive Committee that I be sponsored to go to the Andrews University Theological Seminary in Fall of 2014. That means they want to pay for me to get my graduate degree and bring me back to Pennsylvania to have a job when I finish. 

It gets even better, my amazing boss, Pastor Tara Vincross, was cc’d on the email and replied to Ray saying, “I must tell you that each week I find new things to appreciate about what God is doing through the life and ministry of Pastor Nick Snell and I know that ADCOM is making the best decision to move forward with this recommendation to Executive Committee.  He is a gifted minister and will continue to be a blessing to our conference.” As I wrote to them, I share with the world now in this blog, I’m humbled and honored and praising God!

Later on PT shared something with me that blew my mind on a whole other level. I am not at liberty to say what it was, but it was even more meaningful to me than all the other things mentioned above. Needless to say, I felt very affirmed today. God knows when we need encouragement. All this was very unexpected today.  I don’t see this as something that means I’ve arrived, but it makes me want to run to my God who made all this happen all the more. I celebrate Him, the God who says that to Him who overcomes, those that invite Him into their lives, He will invite to sit on His throne. What an amazing God that He would promote little ol’ us!

I pray for myself and for all who read this that we will let God have full access to our lives (heart, mind, strength, time, money, talent, EVERYTHING!) Wherever you are, join me in praising this God who humbled Himself to the point of becoming one of us and gave Himself up to death on the cross so we wouldn’t have to suffer what our sins deserve. He is alive. He is exalted. He is available. He is MY God. I’ll praise Him forever!

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